If you want to sample our brownies to get an idea of what you're aiming for, take a look at our brownies here.
Upgrade Your Chocolate Brownie
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Cuisine: American
Category: Baked goods

If you're like us and prefer a fudgey brownie over a cakey one, you've come to the right place. It's difficult to pin down a perfect brownie recipe that is exactly how you want it, but with these small tweaks you'll get the fudgey texture you're looking for.
70g Unsalted Butter
125g Dark Chocolate
80g Caster Sugar
95g Brown Sugar
85g Whole Egg
75g Plain Flour
15g Cocoa Powder
2g Table Salt
125g Dark Chocolate
80g Caster Sugar
95g Brown Sugar
85g Whole Egg
75g Plain Flour
15g Cocoa Powder
2g Table Salt
- Melt your dark chocolate and butter over a bain marie.
- In a bowl, combine the caster and brown sugar together. Upgrade 1: The brown sugar adds depth and moisture to the brownie.
- Briefly whisk together the eggs and the sugar.
- Add the chocolate and butter mixture to the sugar and egg mixture.
- Upgrade 2: Add the dry ingredients, this includes cocoa. Cocoa is a simple way to elevate the depth of flavour in your brownie. Your batter is now ready.
- Upgrade 3: Add the batter to a greased frame, ideally on a lined tray. Adding to a frame supports the batter resulting in a neat and tidy brownie after the bake. Bake at 160°C for 20 minutes.
- Upgrade 4: To get that goey texture, the centre of the brownie should read 85°C.
- Upgrade 5: Put your baked brownies in the fridge to set overnight before you cut them, this way you'll get a great cut on them and the texture will be improved.